Thursday, November 1, 2007

you pick!

All right, folks...

... As mentioned in my last post, the movies for next week have arrived and I can start viewing them. There are some major titles and some not-so-major titles but regardless, I will view what you want me to view. Well, let me rephrase that: Tim and I will view what you want us to view since I make him watch everything I rent.

The following titles are coming out:
Deck the Halls, I Now Pronounce You Chuck and Larry, Ratatouille, Heaven's Fall, Forbidden Secrets, Manticore, Three Days of Rain, Alien Siege, Live Once Die Twice, Hope in Motion, and Four Sheets to the Wind.

Tonight I'm going to be getting "I Now Pronounce You Chuck and Larry". So expect the first "watch'n'blog" and a review soon to follow. Based on what I've seen in previews, I expect this to be your average Adam Sandler movie. Nothing more, nothing less.

Since starting this blog I've talked to numerous people about guest blogging. If you're interested in giving your two cents on a movie you've seen recently that you loved, hated, etc. let us know!! I'm hoping to get our friend, Matt, to guest blog about his uneasy experience while watching BUG a couple weeks ago with Liz and I. I expect his post to be both humerous and imformative. We'll keep you posted on the status of his entry. And, speaking of Bug, I'd really like to see Frank's Films give his two cents in after our enjoying comment tags back and forth.

In other random news: I've noticed myself paying more attention to what people are renting. While I was working yesterday I noticed a lot of our "regulars" coming in and renting the following movies: Spiderman 3, License to Wed, In the Land of Women, and Daywatch. When you go to your local video store, what do you rent?


Izzika Stumbles into insomnia said...


bug-a-lug crazy flick

FranksFilms said...

I would love to post a BUG review on your sight.