Thursday, January 3, 2008

Top 10 Movies of 2007 (10)

Happy New Year fellow movie goers! 2007 has come and gone and the best and worst movies of that year will soon be replaced with equally worse and better movies in 2008. I thought it would be fun to countdown my favorite movies of 2007 and then after that countdown my favorite movies to be released of 2008. I posted previously movies I was looking forward to over a 4 years span as I found them on Enjoy!

10. Waitress

Jenna is a pregnant, unhappily married waitress in the deep south. She meets a newcomer to her town and falls into an unlikely relationship as a last attempt at happiness. I thought this movie was... cute. I even put this on my "must see of 2007" at work and get made fun for it all the time. Everyone deserves a little "chick-flick" now and again. Regardless of what you want to think of this movie or label it, Keri Russell is exquisite in it. And, for all those Joss Whedon fans like myself, Nathon Fillon was equally good. I saw this movie solely for the reason that Fillon was in it and in the end, I was surprised. It has funny quips, a good cast, and was one of the only movies in 2007 that wasn't a sequel, threequel, or remake. Surprise! Rent it!

1 comment:

FranksFilms said...

Not yet, but this is on my "waiting to see" pile. Looks like just the kind of "nice" movie my cold jaded heart needs once in a while.